Friday, August 24, 2007

Mel Gibson's Signs (of Anti-Semitism)

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-07 02:21:18
User: RoninGraffiti
:::: Favorites

It's not like Mel didn't warn us... about the Jews.

AzdKahlan ::: Favorites
Antisemitism? where are the Semites in the video?
07-08-24 00:49:21
putthecatout ::: Favorites
Ah, antippas, it's good to know there are real intellectuals here. Would anyone here like to suck antippas's dick? He gave an order I can't fulfill, but SOMEONE better do it, or his god will kill all of us.
07-08-23 13:46:16
putthecatout ::: Favorites
This film was silly and maudlin. Fear: Refers to the average Jew's instant fear and hatred of anyone called "anti-semitic" without asking a single question. Ignorance: Refers to the average Jew's ignorance of and blind support for Israel's actions. One religion will take over the planet: According to The Old Testament it will be the Israelite religion.
07-08-20 15:48:10
antippas ::: Favorites
Suck my circumsized dick.
07-08-20 22:46:09
zippi007 ::: Favorites
Jews or Zionist jews. Who hates who?
07-08-20 14:56:21
thobern ::: Favorites
Is that really an argument for Judaism?!
07-08-20 12:54:46
bwworld ::: Favorites
Funny video! The comments, not so.
07-08-20 12:37:06
thereisawizza ::: Favorites
Why is everyone getting their knickers in a twist over this piece of comedy? Seriously, you should all be writing dissitations on The Life Of Brian if you're going to have this much of a bug up yo ass!
07-08-19 09:43:05
assWompingMadNess ::: Favorites
hahahah woody allen.......ahhahahahhaha funny shit!!!!
07-08-18 00:08:29
snowonweb ::: Favorites
this is crap and mel gibson is not antisemitic. Semitic people are arabs also.
07-08-17 18:12:24
HurtingYourFeelings ::: Favorites
But "anti semitism" itself refers specifically towards the Jews, not Arabs. That's why "anti semitism" is referred to as the "longest hatred" since the Jews have been persecuted for centuries.
07-08-20 12:11:36
mrmothy ::: Favorites
Holy shit that was wicked! All you people below need to chill out... the real message to be taken from this is that mel gibson is a giant douche, nothing else.
07-08-16 09:11:54
sent7 ::: Favorites
this is the stupidest thing ever... for goodness sakes, I think what Michael Richards said about those black people is FAR WORSE!
07-08-16 03:22:50
klank99 ::: Favorites
lol? look at these comments... everyone chill out this is a funny little joke skit, gj to the maker, stop making this more than it is
07-08-15 20:48:41
RobTimeTV ::: Favorites
That's stupid logic. Anyone can read the Bible and believe what it says without being a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim. Not everyone in the bible is a Jew btw.
07-08-12 20:40:08
super0cow ::: Favorites
no first came the jews some years later jesus came and broke ooff and created christainty technically christianity is a form of judieusm so yea b4 u rite a response make sure its correct i a payed attention in hebrew school and and im also half christian so yea i should no
07-08-17 12:48:06
RobTimeTV ::: Favorites
You realize that there were more than just 'Jews' in the bible yes? The different houses? I don't care what type of school you've been to, you need to go read through the bible. There are many different groups of people in it.
07-08-17 13:00:02
RobTimeTV ::: Favorites
Also, let's make something clear. Mel Gibson balmes jews for 'all the wars' because of Israeli foreign policy and the actions of Jewish Bankers pre Israel. Not because they're just jews.
07-08-17 13:02:53
Disc63 ::: Favorites
Christianity was an accident. he wanted to teach the jewish people about god and teach the oppressed about divine beauty. the disciples then taught non jewish men and women who took it as that and it in a sense faded away in the jewish religion and now they dont accept jesus as the son but as a GOOD TEACHER.
07-08-17 14:00:04
RobTimeTV ::: Favorites
I laughed so hard.
07-08-11 23:58:28

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