Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Kingdom Hearts The Stupid Files 3

Duration: 07:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-07 15:13:02
User: DCwyverx
:::: Favorites

Cloud really likes boobs, Axel is stood up by Roxas once again, Sora thinks Riku is a dumbass, Sora and company discover Ansem the Wise's secret stash of porn, and the Organization enjoy passing gas as well as singing what they like about each other. Plus Roxas, Axel, and Demyx think they're kittens. THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THE MUSICAL ARTISTS OR ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY.

yukinashizuru ::: Favorites
HAHAHA I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING IT'S SO FUNNY! i like the whole porn thing that is funny! that cloud thing was kinda random but when i heard it the first time i laughed my butt off!!!
07-08-17 10:08:20
austinwilliams2 ::: Favorites
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its so funny my heads red
07-08-17 14:45:54
lyzabee ::: Favorites
That amused me waaay more than it should have. Cute movie.
07-08-17 16:32:12
battleseed96 ::: Favorites
your on crazy ass bitch!(Axel quote) LOL
07-08-17 19:07:11
battleseed96 ::: Favorites
And i wont those kittens they are sooooo cute XD
07-08-17 19:07:51
Mannimg ::: Favorites
i like went cloud says bubis
07-08-19 16:16:04
DamiTrance ::: Favorites
holy shnaickies
07-08-20 06:13:21
DRICH8 ::: Favorites
lol cloud boobis
07-08-20 17:27:56
d4rkxsky ::: Favorites
"i wished i could live my life like you, just following my heart" ....."you dumbass"
07-08-21 07:14:15
TamiMizugashi ::: Favorites
"you dumbass" LMAO I LOVE YOUR VIDS
07-08-21 22:59:29

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