Sunday, August 26, 2007

Iraqi Soccer Team Wins Asian Cup

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 16:50:44
:::: Favorites

Iraq's 1-0 victory over Saudi Arabia on a 71st-minute header by captain Younis Mahmoud was an inspirational triumph for a team whose players straddle bitter and violent ethnic divides. After the game, Mahmoud called for the United States to withdraw its troops from his nation.

mkrall ::: Favorites
Saddam PowerR!
07-08-16 07:42:58
utubeadmirer ::: Favorites
Damn politicians.....
07-08-10 07:44:49
donamek ::: Favorites
i am proud of my iraqie soccer team this makes me proud and honour of being a iraqie and i hope that we will make it to the world cup and we will try to win the world cup goooooooooo iraq
07-08-09 03:09:06
lowvien ::: Favorites
God bless iraq or what's left of it anyways :s
07-08-06 08:14:12
Bahaonline ::: Favorites
07-08-05 22:04:47
ZaxoBabe08 ::: Favorites
what the hell are you to talking aboout the solidiers and the iraqi people have peace for once!!!!!!!!
07-08-03 02:09:42
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION". Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!!
07-07-30 17:49:32
seswei ::: Favorites
quite a rant there,but what does that have do with a game?
07-07-31 15:48:09

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