Sunday, August 12, 2007

How I became an atheist

Duration: 1468 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-13 10:04:13
User: websnarf
:::: Favorites

This is my boring, long story about how I became an atheist.

websnarf ::: Favorites
First of all its false. Second of all no.
07-07-11 09:21:48
steveascension ::: Favorites
"Is it true" that those responsible for the most deaths during the twentieth century ;( almost 100000000) were those who held a very strong belief in atheism? If this is true can we then conclude that the most destructive belief system in history has been atheism. What do you think?
07-07-13 03:30:39
websnarf ::: Favorites
Most deaths are of natural/environmental causes (i.e., acts of "god"). However, the main secondary reason would be WWII which was perpetrated by god-fearing leaders, such as Adolph Hitler (a Roman Catholic.) Your obvious ploy to associate all atheists with Stalin is rebuffed by the standard response: Stalin was an atheist, atheists are not Stalinists.
07-07-13 08:30:38
steveascension ::: Favorites
Why do atheists always forget Mao in their answers? How come atheist sees no faults within their own belief system? As a general observation why are most atheists not the most beautiful looking species on the globe? Does ugliness and atheism go hand in hand? Or is ugliness just in the eye of the beholder?
07-07-13 18:38:37
websnarf ::: Favorites
Because Mao is irrelevant to the topic of atheism? Atheism is not an indoctrination, so the action of any single atheist don't reflect upon atheism in any way, and as a corollary doesn't reflect on any other atheist. You comment about ugliness ... does that apply to Angela Jolie and Jodie Foster too? (They are both atheist.)
07-07-13 18:59:16
steveascension ::: Favorites
My general observations were about those atheist appearing on youtube. I don't think you can put Chairman Moa aside. You can't just pick capitalistic atheist only can you?.
07-07-14 03:33:16
websnarf ::: Favorites
There are no atheists here on YT that I am aware of who back or are in any way associated with the actions of Mao. So I still don't see him as relevant or on topic. Capitalism/communism has far less to do with atheism (which simply doesn't promote any such doctrine) than fascism does with Xianity, or theocracy with Islam (those latter two being very natural pairings).
07-07-14 09:16:04
steveascension ::: Favorites
I apologize for this announcement. I think that atheist often make Intelligent blunders. when picking and choosing who's in their belief camps. Why do they always forget good old Karl Marx who said that "religion is the opiate of the people". come on be real! please acknowledge you older brother, "in the atheist faith.I do have a respect for Karl
07-07-20 06:39:17
websnarf ::: Favorites
His comment about religion is appropriate and correct. I and most other atheists are not followers of his other philosophical ideas. Atheism is not a church, institution or indoctrination, and therefore such association by personalities are meaningless. This is very unlike religious institutions which have to take a stand on every child molesting priest, every terrorist, Ted Haggard, Hitler and Mussolini.
07-07-20 10:47:11
balrogia ::: Favorites
I'm athiest im happy When you reach top happiness ur minimum goes up think about that
07-08-05 01:19:50

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